The 2016 Korfball South Australia Annual General Meeting, as previously advertised, will be held at 7:00PM on the 20th of October, at Club Marion, 262 Sturt Rd, Marion. Dinner and drinks are available from the bar, and all information, including a map of the venue location, is available on the event page. All are welcome, and any registered member of a Korfball South Australia affiliated club is entitled to vote on the new appointments to be decided on this date.


Four positions are up for nomination this year, as the current office-holders terms are expiring. The open positions are Treasurer, Secretary, Development Officer and League Director. Role descriptions can be found by clicking on the role titles above, and each role is for a two-year term. While the deadline for formal advanced nominations has passed, the door is not shut for anyone who wishes to serve on the committee in any of the positions listed above. Nominations can be forthcoming from the floor on the night. These nominations can be made in person, or by a proxy for those unable to attend. Incumbent President Bruce Hutchesson will act as proxy for those unable to attend on the night, who wish to nominate, and do not wish to organise an individual proxy. In order to have your nomination forwarded in this manner, please fill out the expression of interest form below. Please note that submission of the expression of interest form does not guarantee a nomination by proxy. You may be contacted by either Bruce, or Secretary Carrie Robertson, in order to confirm your expression of interest is valid, to organise your pitch materials, and to ensure your eligibility, e.g. there is no conflict of interest. Please complete the form no later than the 6th of October.


A strong committee is vital to the strength and growth of Korfball South Australia. In particular, it is important that there is a healthy turnover of office holders, in order to prevent the committee becoming stagnant. As such, the current committee genuinely desires nominees for all of the positions available, in order to allow Korfball South Australia to continue to evolve.


Expression of Interest Form

    Full Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Contact Number (required)