The Kids Korf program trailed last year is returning, with this year building on last years successes. Kicking off this weekend (May 21), Glenelg Korfball Club will be running Kids Korf on Court 3 at Priceline Stadium in the 4:10 timeslot. The program is expected to continue until September, meaning it will run for the length of the Korfball South Australia State League season. Everyone up to 15 years old is welcome to participate, with programs modified to suit each age group and skill set.
The program will start off with a three week come ‘n’ try period, where basic skills and gameplay alike will be taught, with K4 games each week. While there will be no session on the June long-weekend (due to the Korfball Australia National Club Championships), starting June 18 the sessions will be run as a K4 competition. As such, it is encouraged that participants bring friends and family along so they can be in a K4 team together. The K4 competition will be run initially as an U15 and an U10 competition, with other age groups determined by participation numbers.
There will be a modest cost involved to cover program costs, which will include apparel to help build team identities. Exact costs are not yet known, but will be announced as soon as possible. All inquiries, as well as any expressions of interest, can be sent to Tim Miller. We look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.
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