
Awards Night Top 5’s Announced

By |2018-07-19T22:15:22+09:30September 19th, 2017|

With the State League Awards Night fast approaching, it's time to announce the top 5 nominees for Most Valuable Player and Top Goal Scorer for each of the awards. The nominees are  listed in alphabetical order below. Where there is a tie for any position, all nominees are included.   Tickets for the Awards Night are still available, and [...]

Semi Final Results Available

By |2018-07-19T22:15:24+09:30September 18th, 2017|

The Korfball South Australia State League Semi Finals have now wrapped up and the scores from both matches are now online. Scores can be accessed from the State League page, or below in the article.   With the C Grade having a smaller competition this year, and the top two teams earning direct entry to the [...]

Beach Korf 2017 Announced

By |2018-07-19T22:15:30+09:30November 29th, 2016|

Korfball South Australia is pleased to today announce the 2017 Beach Korf Competition. As has been the case in the last few years, the competition will be held on Glenelg beach on Friday evenings, beginning mid January. More information, including a map of the precise location, can be found on the event page, which will [...]

Clinic Volunteers Required

By |2018-07-19T22:15:30+09:30October 26th, 2016|

With an unusually high number of development activities coming up soon, we must again put the request out for volunteers to help with these clinics. These clinics do sometimes have a small recruitment purpose, but more importantly, they are vital for gaining exposure for Korfball in the wider community. Volunteers do not need to have any [...]

KSA AGM – Expressions of Interest Called For

By |2018-07-19T22:15:32+09:30September 22nd, 2016|

The 2016 Korfball South Australia Annual General Meeting, as previously advertised, will be held at 7:00PM on the 20th of October, at Club Marion, 262 Sturt Rd, Marion. Dinner and drinks are available from the bar, and all information, including a map of the venue location, is available on the event page. All are welcome, and any [...]

Awards Night Nominees Announced

By |2018-07-19T22:15:33+09:30September 9th, 2016|

As has become tradition over the last few years, the nominees for the major awards at the State League Awards Night are announced ahead of time. The top 5 nominees for Most Valuable Player and Top Goal Scorer for each of the grades are listed in alphabetical order below. Where there is a tie for any position, [...]

State League Member’s Survey

By |2018-07-19T22:15:35+09:30August 26th, 2016|

Last year we introduced the State League Member's survey as a means to hear direct feedback from our players, coaches and officials about State League to help form the roadmap for the year ahead. We will continue to run this survey every year and we strongly encourage anyone involved with State League to fill out [...]

Retro Round 2016

By |2018-07-19T22:15:36+09:30July 24th, 2016|

In case you've missed our previous announcements, Retro Round will be making a come back in season 2016 on Sunday 7 August!   Retro Round is an opportunity to celebrate our sport's rich history in South Australia and have a bit of fun at the same time. All teams are encouraged to don an old [...]

Online Registration Forms Now Available

By |2018-07-19T22:15:36+09:30July 23rd, 2016|

Korfball SA is pleased to announce that players can now register online instead of using a printed Registration form. In a continued effort to consolidate our resources and improve services for Members, KSA have implemented a new online system to manage our finances, members database, committee minutes and communications. Players are required by the KSA [...]

State League Timetable Changes

By |2018-07-19T22:15:36+09:30July 12th, 2016|

After a successful 6 week trial of the KidsKorf program, Junior Development head coach Tim Miller has confirmed that the program will continue until the last round of the season. To ensure that Tim is available to play B Grade, coach A Grade and run the KidsKorf program, changes to the timetable have been made for [...]

KidsKorf Program and State League Timetable Changes

By |2018-07-19T22:15:37+09:30May 5th, 2016|

From Sunday 15 May, Korfball SA will be offering a KidsKorf program for 6 - 15 year olds to develop skills in korfball in a fun and active environment.   The Program is being lead by Tim Miller, who has a wealth of korfball knowledge having coached at junior, club and national level for over [...]

Come ‘n’ Try Korfball

By |2018-07-19T22:15:38+09:30April 20th, 2016|

Korfball SA will run a Come 'n' Try session at 4-5pm on Sunday 1st May at Netball SA stadium. This is a great opportunity for anyone wanting to try korfball to learn some basic skills from some of our best players and coaches.   Suitable for ages 6+ $5pp for adults $2pp for children (U18) [...]

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